Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Good Eats

I'm not really succeeding in learning my way around Slovenian cooking. I mean I can slice and dice a potato and know a few ways to work a mushroom but I haven't figured out all those special skuta-related concoctions yet and I am still trying to perfect my golaž. Nonetheless, I am, however, doing well on my good old standby catch-all international kitchen and everyone who comes over to eat seems to be enjoying what I serve up.

I recently had to translate this recipe for pumpkin squares for The Captain's mother. I just came across and thought it might be a fun little thing to throw up here for all the Slovene readers. It's not exactly pumpkin weather anymore but if you find any lying around, grab it and bring it home for this yumminess. I translated most of the recipe myself and the captain came in to fix all the terrible grammatical errors. If you notice anything else. Lemme know!

Bučkova Torta (adapted from here)



300 g moke

175 g rjavega sladkorja

100 g sladkorja

1,5 čajna žličko pecilnega praška

2,5 žlička cimeta

0,5 žlička muškatovega oreška

0,5 žlička soli

3 jajca

0,5 litra bučkinega pireja

1,5 vanilja

175g rastlinskega olje


175g moke

66g rjavega sladkorja

6 žlička masla

0.5 žlička cimeta

175g izrezanih orehov

0.5 čž limonine lupine

Priprava Torte.....

  1. Namazi posodo za pečenje z oljem in posuj z malo moko.
  2. Zmešaj 300g moke, 175 g rjavega sladkorja, 100g sladkorja, pecilnega praška, cimeta, muškatovega oreška, in soli, daj na stran.
  3. V različne sklede zmešaj jajce, pire, vanilja, in olje. Pomešaj v skledo z moko mešanicoiz moke in sladkorja.
  4. Zlij vse v posodo za pečenje.

Priprava Oblive

  1. Zmešaj 175g moke, rjavega sladkorja, in cimeta.
  2. Dodaj majhne kose nareznega masla.
  3. Dodaj orehe in limone, potem zmešaj s prsti.
  4. Posuj po torti

Peče vse 25 do 30 minute. Ohladi in serviraj.


lili said...

"0,5 čž litra bučkinega pireja" this sounds a bit troublesome to me, it is made from zucchini and yet it comes in liters and little spoons???

Camille Acey said...

thanks for noticing that. the žlička will be removed now!